Over View
What is an invocation? Or Dua? In a real sense, invocation is a request that originates from the bottom of our heart and goes towards Almighty Allah. The Kind Lord is always willing, ready and happy to listen to us and accept prayers from anyone at any time. Muslims are ordered to turn to Allah in case of any problem, difficulty or trouble. That's why; Islam has provided us a handsome number of invocations to recite on different occasions.
Though, the best of those narrations are in Arabic, as narrated by the Holy Prophet PBUH; however, you can pray in your mother tongue too. It's one of the key etiquettes of prayer that when we pray, we should feel assured that Allah will accept our requests. Praying with complete sincerity and devotion increases the chances of its acceptance. There are some time-specific prayers that have greater chances of acceptance.
The book 'Golden Stories of Accepted Prayers' contains hundreds of accepted prayers and their suitable timings. It also provides readers with a complete guidance on etiquettes, terms and manners of praying. The writer has included original sources to the invocation as well as its English translation to help readers understand what he/she is asking for?
Darussalam Publishers has converted this masterpiece in the digital format to help tech savvy people enjoy reading on their e-readers.